class HeytingAlgebra a where
The HeytingAlgebra
type class represents types that are bounded lattices with
an implication operator such that the following laws hold:
- Associativity:
a || (b || c) = (a || b) || c
a && (b && c) = (a && b) && c
- Commutativity:
a || b = b || a
a && b = b && a
- Absorption:
a || (a && b) = a
a && (a || b) = a
- Idempotent:
a || a = a
a && a = a
- Identity:
a || ff = a
a && tt = a
- Implication:
a `implies` a = tt
a && (a `implies` b) = a && b
b && (a `implies` b) = b
a `implies` (b && c) = (a `implies` b) && (a `implies` c)
- Complemented:
not a = a `implies` ff
HeytingAlgebra Boolean
HeytingAlgebra Unit
(HeytingAlgebra b) => HeytingAlgebra (a -> b)
(RowToList row list, HeytingAlgebraRecord list row row) => HeytingAlgebra (Record row)
Operator alias for Data.HeytingAlgebra.conj (right-associative / precedence 3)
Operator alias for Data.HeytingAlgebra.disj (right-associative / precedence 2)
class HeytingAlgebraRecord rowlist row subrow | rowlist -> subrow where
A class for records where all fields have HeytingAlgebra
instances, used
to implement the HeytingAlgebra
instance for records.
ffRecord :: RLProxy rowlist -> RProxy row -> Record subrow
ttRecord :: RLProxy rowlist -> RProxy row -> Record subrow
impliesRecord :: RLProxy rowlist -> Record row -> Record row -> Record subrow
disjRecord :: RLProxy rowlist -> Record row -> Record row -> Record subrow
conjRecord :: RLProxy rowlist -> Record row -> Record row -> Record subrow
notRecord :: RLProxy rowlist -> Record row -> Record subrow
HeytingAlgebraRecord Nil row ()
(IsSymbol key, Cons key focus subrowTail subrow, HeytingAlgebraRecord rowlistTail row subrowTail, HeytingAlgebra focus) => HeytingAlgebraRecord (Cons key focus rowlistTail) row subrow
- Control.Alt
- Control.Alternative
- Control.Applicative
- Control.Apply
- Control.Biapplicative
- Control.Biapply
- Control.Bind
- Control.Category
- Control.Comonad
- Control.Extend
- Control.Lazy
- Control.Monad
- Control.Monad.Gen
- Control.Monad.Gen.Class
- Control.Monad.Gen.Common
- Control.Monad.Rec.Class
- Control.Monad.ST
- Control.Monad.ST.Class
- Control.Monad.ST.Global
- Control.Monad.ST.Internal
- Control.Monad.ST.Ref
- Control.MonadPlus
- Control.MonadZero
- Control.Plus
- Control.Semigroupoid
- Data.Array
- Data.Array.NonEmpty
- Data.Array.NonEmpty.Internal
- Data.Array.Partial
- Data.Array.ST
- Data.Array.ST.Iterator
- Data.Array.ST.Partial
- Data.Bifoldable
- Data.Bifunctor
- Data.Bifunctor.Clown
- Data.Bifunctor.Flip
- Data.Bifunctor.Join
- Data.Bifunctor.Joker
- Data.Bifunctor.Product
- Data.Bifunctor.Wrap
- Data.Bitraversable
- Data.Boolean
- Data.BooleanAlgebra
- Data.Bounded
- Data.Char
- Data.Char.Gen
- Data.Char.Utils
- Data.CommutativeRing
- Data.Distributive
- Data.DivisionRing
- Data.Either
- Data.Either.Inject
- Data.Either.Nested
- Data.Enum
- Data.Enum.Gen
- Data.Eq
- Data.EuclideanRing
- Data.Field
- Data.Foldable
- Data.FoldableWithIndex
- Data.Function
- Data.Function.Uncurried
- Data.Functor
- Data.Functor.Invariant
- Data.FunctorWithIndex
- Data.HeytingAlgebra
- Data.Identity
- Data.Int
- Data.Int.Bits
- Data.Maybe
- Data.Maybe.First
- Data.Maybe.Last
- Data.Monoid
- Data.Monoid.Additive
- Data.Monoid.Alternate
- Data.Monoid.Conj
- Data.Monoid.Disj
- Data.Monoid.Dual
- Data.Monoid.Endo
- Data.Monoid.Multiplicative
- Data.NaturalTransformation
- Data.Newtype
- Data.NonEmpty
- Data.Ord
- Data.Ord.Down
- Data.Ord.Max
- Data.Ord.Min
- Data.Ord.Unsafe
- Data.Ordering
- Data.Ring
- Data.Semigroup
- Data.Semigroup.First
- Data.Semigroup.Foldable
- Data.Semigroup.Last
- Data.Semigroup.Traversable
- Data.Semiring
- Data.Show
- Data.String
- Data.String.CaseInsensitive
- Data.String.CodePoints
- Data.String.CodeUnits
- Data.String.Common
- Data.String.Gen
- Data.String.NonEmpty
- Data.String.NonEmpty.CaseInsensitive
- Data.String.NonEmpty.CodePoints
- Data.String.NonEmpty.CodeUnits
- Data.String.NonEmpty.Internal
- Data.String.Pattern
- Data.String.Regex
- Data.String.Regex.Flags
- Data.String.Regex.Unsafe
- Data.String.Unsafe
- Data.String.Utils
- Data.Symbol
- Data.Traversable
- Data.Traversable.Accum
- Data.Traversable.Accum.Internal
- Data.TraversableWithIndex
- Data.Tuple
- Data.Tuple.Nested
- Data.Unfoldable
- Data.Unfoldable1
- Data.Unit
- Data.Void
- Effect
- Effect.Class
- Effect.Class.Console
- Effect.Console
- Effect.Ref
- Effect.Uncurried
- Effect.Unsafe
- Global
- Global.Unsafe
- MCPrelude
- Main
- Math
- PSCI.Support
- Partial
- Partial.Unsafe
- Prelude
- Prim
- Prim.Boolean
- Prim.Ordering
- Prim.Row
- Prim.RowList
- Prim.Symbol
- Prim.TypeError
- Record.Unsafe
- Type.Data.Row
- Type.Data.RowList
- Type.Equality
- Unsafe.Coerce